Easyjet SWOT Analysis

Capture d’écran 2014-12-07 à 21.12.25


EasyJet has established a brand reputation for being the most economical airline in Europe. This is particularly shared among young travellers and several business travellers.

Easyjet offers a reliable, on-time travel service with value-added features. They can consist of e-tickets, online booking and travel services.

EasyJet has increased the amount of modern aircraft to its existing fleet in order to ensure security, reliability, and reduce its carbon emissions.

Easyjet’s website is user-friendly and simplifies ticket purchases.

They aim attention at developing consumer loyalty by sending through emails about online sale alerts.

They have developed a strong corporate social responsibility program with actions geared toward decreasing the firm’s environment.

Easyjet is popular for having a competent and friendly customer service despite being a no-frills airline.

They have added many routes and have expanded their routes throughout Europe to cover more consumers and offer more flight times.


The low-priced airline industry is extremely competitive. It is composed of a great amount of airlines competing for the same consumer base. This resulted in price wars and other strategies that make it difficult for EasyJet to keep up due to concern over costs involved in attempting to slash prices further or offer any frills.

Rivalry is currently rising from traditional airlines, which have modified their business models and start to offer lower fares with frills for the same routes as EasyJet.

Easyjet does not offer a free food service on flights than more than two hours, which is seen as a weakness by Easyjet’s consumers.

The service format does not correspond to a large demographic. Indeed, lots of older travellers do not appreciate the ‘party’ environment that is present in EasyJet planes that are frequently taken by young, loud passengers traveling for school vacation or weekend party trips. This format disaffects lots of demographics that EasyJet could be targeting.


The carrier could possibly expand its route system into new regional markets all over Europe and focus on specific consumer segments.

They could offer travel tour packages that could attract some potential passengers who are seeking specific types of travel experiences.

Easyjet should consider improving its overall operating framework in order to offer some perks so that it became more competitive. Lately, the carrier has declared that it would add more frills, which is an important opportunity where they could further differentiate themselves.

The carrier should consider developing strategic partnerships with airports to help expand its route system and offer more travel options for its consumers.


One of the threats for the carrier are rising airport fees in terms of decreasing the margin that the airline can compete on as it is a cost that the firm cannot control or change unless it can negotiate with these airports and reach an agreement on lowering the airport fees. Otherwise, it may have to close down some routes, which could further threaten business sustainability.

Competitors are offering more frills, flights, and route options and maintaining low-priced fares, which can also menace the firm’s position in the market.

External market forces are a threat in terms of price pressures correlated with the rising cost of oil, environmental expectations, and economic slumps that decrease the number of flights ordered by travellers focused on leisure.

Internal factors are also a threat in terms of labor unions and employee strikes, requiring more money or benefits. This can also add to EasyJet’s cost structure and put more pressure on the carrier to possibly increase prices.

Legacy airlines are starting to become a higher competitive force in the airline industry as they attempt to sustain themselves with a focus on service and features, which puts more pressure on the carrier to raising its service focus without adding to its cost structure.