
Market segmentation leads to an efficient distribution of services to the right customers. Thanks to it, theats are eliminated, opportunities are created. A competitive industry, like the airline industry, uses this concept in order to eliminate service homogeneity. Even though several segmentation types exist, the psychographic segment prevails in this industry.

Psychographic Segmentation

Global executives: frequent business travellers who enjoy their experience thanks of the high level of service.

Schedule optimizers: have to reach destination by a certain time and select their flights accordingly.

Corporate troopers: choose an airline and a class that has been selected for them by their firm.

Mile accumulators: Consider flights as a way of building up their air miles entitlement.

Reluctant travellers: do not enjoy travelling and seek services that will make their experience bearable, such as special privileges and frequent flyer programmes.

Tour takers: want everything to be arranged in advance for them.

Quality vacationers: See the travel as a part of the vacation experience and so fly with airlines that provide high-quality services.

Travel seekers: love travelling and are eager to have new experiences. They expect the travel to be comfortable.

Frugal flyers: seek out the cheapest airlines, but still expect their flight experience to be enjoyable.